Desiree Melancon

Desiree Melancon

somebodysthinkingaboutyou — Link in bio ❤️ #suicide #suicideprevention #suicideawarenessmonth #suicideawarness #somebodysthinkingaboutyou

For the last 18 years I’ve been chasing and living the the same dream since I was 17. The kid in me is screaming make it last forever. Alas, forever is what you make it. This week I embark again into education full time for the next three years as a Westminster Graduate Student pursuing a Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling. I’m not quitting snowboarding and we used to joke that you can’t retire passion. So I won’t, and I don’t plan on it. I just have some things to do alongside the aftermath of making snowboarding my main focus for so long. Yet, it’s still in focus, just with a different lens. We launched a 501-c3 mental health non-profit last year called somebodysthinkingaboutyou . Our mission is to destigmatize mental illness in action sports, with a focus on suicide prevention. I have a deep rooted passion and belief in this project, and have committed myself on the path of learning what I can to try to make things better, for myself, for my peers, and for our community. In a way my entire journey has led me to now. I don’t know how to validate being a person who wants to be represented as a professional boarder. A part of me feels the weight of imposter syndrome more so than I have ever felt before. I cringe. I worry. I have fear. Letting go is impossible… But I know I love snowboarding. And I know I’m making a good choice because I am scared. However, I foresee my strongest riding days as being ahead, rather than behind. Only time will tell. Stay tuned. Thank you to my sponsors who are supporting me through this journey ❤️ It means the world.

Game of snow was an American dream. I am teary eyed and in awe at the people who are a part our community. I don’t think I ever expected to experience multiple moments like this in snowboarding… when 16 individuals showcase so much talent, drive, and promise for contributing to our landscape. Y’all rip. Y’all got very respectable bags of tricks. Y’all are the future. I’m obsessed. Congrats alexisroland on ur hard fought win. Thanks thrashley_photo for the photo. Thanks slushthemagazine for inviting my old ass. Thanks kenned1deck for easily taking me out. — Obviously my only photo is of a tail press 😂

Me vs kenned1deck tomorrow at slushthemagazine game of snow — video: ted.borland

Talkin art in the studio with kenned1deck photo ecrosb87

Boulder bash — volcomsnow — photo: mattroebke

Squad on god. Photo ted.borland

L8r bye mt. Hood — photo: marcoverit_

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